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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Člen: Car Rental to Explore the Desert Beauty of Rajasthan - 29/12/2010 10:58

Car Rental to Explore the Desert Beauty of Rajasthan

Rajasthan is the home of dry and arid but beautiful Thar Desert. It is the only desert land in land in India. The golden desert and its striking sand dunes allure many tourists and make them visit Rajasthan to explore the golden beauty of the land. The vast expenses of Thar Desert hold three important cities of Rajasthan on its stark. These three cities are home to some of the popular forts and palaces of Rajasthan and are also gateway to camel safari. Therefore, the place is often visited by tourists to explore the popular attractions of the place. Transportation in these regions is a bit difficult due to desert terrain so people prefer renting private car to visit these places. Car hire Rajasthan is very famous owing to high tourism potential of the place and absence of comfortable public transport system.


Camel safari is the main adventure of desert tourism. Some of the popular attractions of the place are Umaid Bhawan Place, Mehrangarh Fort, Junagarh Fort, Tazia Tower, Jaisalmer Fort, etc. You can easily get a car on rent to explore the historical forts and places and the stunning sand dunes of the region. Car hire Jodhpur is now very easy.


There are many car rental agencies in Jodhpur. They do not put the clients to go through many paper works. Car hire Jaisalmer is very famous because it is positioned in the mid of Thar Desert and there no means of visiting the place except than that of rental car of camel ship.